вторник, 5 апреля 2011 г.

Metabolism of cholesterol - information about atherosclerosis

 Cholesterol and Atherosclerosis
Atherosclerosis is a chronic disease characterized by lipid deposition and inflammation in the arterial wall. Cholesterol is the major lipid species in atherosclerotic lesions and accumulates in both unesterified and esterified forms. Early studies characterizing localization and abundance of cholesterol in association with lesion
morphology and severity have illuminated the prominent role of cholesterol in athero-progression.
Rapp et al. observed that an increased percentage of free cholesterol (as a proportion of total cholesterol) was associated with evolution of the atherosclerotic process. Kruth further demonstrated that free and esterified cholesterol accumulated within many diverse and distinct structures in lesions, and extracellular free cholesterol-enriched particles constituted a significant portion of accumulated cholesterol.
These studies in aggregate suggest that deposition of free and esterified cholesterol has a critical physiological impact on athero-progression.
 By VaTiKAn



7 комментариев:

  1. What about those who suffer from this disease? How old are they? Do you know?

  2. Although atherosclerosis usually manifests in later life(over 50), its early phases are present in teenagers and young adults.Atherosclerosis in its early stages is silent.

    The clinical manifestations of atherosclerosis, such as cardiovascular disease , are common in Western and urban populations, and are an important and common cause of death and disease
    Possible signs of atherosclerosis are:
    -Xanthelasmata (from hyperlipidaemia).
    -Bruits over large arteries
    -Aortic aneurysm.
    -Poor peripheral pulses.
    -Reduced ankle-brachial index.

  3. Are the students of ASMA examined to find out if they suffer from this disease or maybe they have some risk factors?

  4. I dont't know exactly, the clinic of ASMA has exact information because every year students of ASMA pass medical examination.

  5. I've lost my way.))))))))
    Actually I prepare report on twelfth regional conference and I haven't time at all. I will try to continue blog
